Listen to Jim Carey on Giving!

Contact Linda at FootFlexes to Volunteer Your Medical, Construction Or Any Service With NPH in Canada Known as Friends Of The Orphans Canada


Trips are two weeks in duration to one of 9 Latin and South American Countries where NPH has orphanages. A Tax Receipt for the Full Cost of $2500 is received by the donor and participant. This is a working volunteer group of up to 30 people for one of 3 two week periods each year.

What is NPH?

Take a Look at Father Rick and his day in the second video below, this man has almost single handedly given Haiti new hope after the Earthquake of January 2010 and he has been working at the street level in Haiti for 25 years. He certainly inspires many and gives hope and charity to those in the most need.

And Father Rick is a Director of NPH International. Fotocan and other NPH affiliates in countires all over the world support by providing very much needed monetary funds, supplies and helping hands.

And if you think the Canadian Government, (or any other world government) has even sent one red cent to the Hait Fund set up almost two years ago now, (Jan, 2012) then check out this article Canada's Failed Aid to Haiti

Volunteering all about the Children

It's all about Love.

And It's Certainly About Giving.....from the heart.

And it's not for the "feint" of heart.....this is not a vacation - but a life learning experience that will touch your heart forever and change it in the process. If you are into change for the better - these trips are right up your alley.

If you choose to give any time in this fashion - call me - I'd love to tell you more about it.

There are currently one week trips available to Haiti via a two week trip to the Dominican Republic. 2012 is full but 2013 may just be the year you want to go to Nicaragaua, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Guatamala, Honduras, El Salvador, Peru and lastly and most new........


Take a look at "My GoodShop" - online giving of what is needed at each orphanage.

My Good Shop - Your Way to Donate to the Children Online

This video is a great example of what your drive would be like from Kenscoff to Petitionville in NPH Haiti. It is a 10 Hour Drive From Dominican Republic....

Or Join Me In January 2012 When I Volunteer For 8 Weeks in Amazing.......

NPH Nicaragua........Follow me on Facebook for More To Come....

Wanna Volunteer? It's Fun....just watch how fun it can be in HONDURAS

This video is not one of Fotocan groups but another of the NPH supporters worldwide

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Energy and Balance

It is important that our bodies receive positive forms of energy most of the time. It is from positive energy that we attain good health, peace of mind, and quietness of the spirit. We can get positive energy from many sources – from proper nutrition and exercise; from exposure to ample sunlight whenever it is safe; from the love, affection, and respect we get from family, friends and peers.

Unfortunately, where there is positive energy, there is also negative energy. We get more than our fair share of it in our daily lives. Fear, stress, anger, hatred and disappointment are all forms of negative energy. We may consciously forget about these things, but our body stores memories of these in energy centers called chakras. When there is too much negative energy in our body, it can lead to illness, both of the body and of the spirit.

Check Out Ka Gold Jewelry By Meaning

Abundance Ring

Sacred GeometryKa Gold

This is where I purchased these beautiful pendants shown below and the Abundance Ring above.

What a great way to get silver into your personal economy and also the energy of sacred science.

The Key of Success Sterling Silver Pendant

As You Can See, I Love Silver. And I Love The Key Of Success Pendant From Ka Gold All I Can Say Is - The Energy Is There And It Works

The Mother Earth Sterling Silver Pendant

Healing with Cosmic Jewelry

What symbolic jewelry or cosmic jewelry aims to do is to help us attune ourselves to the power invoked by the sacred words and the sacred geometric forms in order to restore the balance of energy and to flush out the accumulation of negative energy in the body. These sacred geometric patterns are found in Nature herself, and the power that they invoke is present in Nature.

By letting ourselves become open to the frequencies that the sacred patterns in cosmic jewelry invoke, we attune our minds to receive the energy channeled by that pattern. At the same time, we also awaken the energy centers in our bodies – our chakras. The same thing happens with invoking sacred words. These words allow our minds to become open and more receptive to healing. The body then responds to the energy and uses it for healing itself. The process becomes even more powerful when the intention of the person who crafted the sacred jewelry is truly aimed towards helping and healing.

“Energy follows thought” is a favorite adage among holistic healers. We allow our bodies to heal by letting energy flow through us and realign us. We allow ourselves to receive this energy by opening our minds and attuning our bodies to the frequencies invoked by sacred words and sacred forms. Wearing symbolic jewelry or cosmic jewelry gives us the means to harness the healing power of these sacred words and sacred forms, and to facilitate the healing process.


Galactic Harmony Sterling Silver Pendant

alchemy Sterling Silver Pendant

FootFlexes Indroduces Mobile Ionic Foot Detox Baths $55.

The Dance of Light

The Light of Christmas!!!
